Parent Updates
We have been working hard setting our class routines. I hope you found PIN night informative. A lot goes on during our first grade day.
- Thursday, September 22 is Dot Day....wear your polka dots to school
- September 27th is picture day
Language Arts
- Continued to work on building our stamina for "Read to Self". We are up to 9 minutes.
- Worked on "Read to Someone". Reviewed expectations and learned what "EEKK" reading looks and sounds like. Ask your child what "EEKK" is.
- Continued reviewing consonant sounds and letter sounds in our Fundations program" s, e, r, p, j, h & k
- Learned that "When we're done we just begun" in writer's workshop. We learned to go back and revise our stories by asking questions.
- Talked about spelling strategies that we can use when we are writing: tap and write, word wall, use small words we know, and got our green word dictionaries.
- Began taking our Poem Notebooks home
- Continued reading stories
- Started our first chapter book "My Father's Dragon"
- Continued working with "add to" and "put together problems"
- Began working on "Both Addends Unknown" problems
- Played the games "How many am I hiding?" and "Counters in a Cup"
Social Studies
- Created our classroom rules
- Read a Scholastic News about feelings in the classroom