Sunday, December 22, 2013

Our Holiday Celebration

We had a great time at our holiday party.  Here is a short video capturing all the fun.  Just click on the link below.

Happy Holidays!

Our Holiday Celebration

Wednesday, December 18, 2013


The class has been hard at work retelling The Thanksgiving Story.  We used the explain everything app to complete this project.  Enjoy!

Friday, December 13, 2013

Exciting News!

Today we began kid blogs!  Look at the top of the you see the tab for kid blogs?  Click it and see what the kids are blogging about.

Today during our library tech time we learned what blogs are and reviewed all about safety when blogging.

Then we started posting to our own blogs.  I love all the different things the kids chose to blog about.  They can even blog from home!

All post and comments must be approved by first!  Once I have approved them, they will be posted for all to see.

I love all this authentic writing they are doing!

Happy Reading :)

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Busy November!

We have been quite busy over the last month.  Here is a quick overview of what we have been up to.

****Don't forget that we go out everyday!  Please be sure to pack snowpants, hats, mittens and boots.

Here's a picture of the kids during morning check-in.  I was amazed how engaged they were all reading.

During snack and free time some friends worked together to make an awesome flag out of legos...great teamwork!


  • Reviewed Short U.  We remember Short U by saying "U"..."umbrella".."short u sound".
  • Worked with the families ug, uck, ut and un
  • Worked with the "H Brothers".  H Brothers are when two consonants work together to make a new sound.  Here is a picture we have to help us remember "th, sh, ch and wh sounds.  

  • Worked with new word wall words.  Look at the tab marked HF words to see all the ones we have introduced.  Don't forget to practice these, we need to read and spell these by the end of the year.
  • Have you checked out Raz-Kids?  The kids love this web site where they can practice a variety of books at their independent level.  They can even record their reading and send it to me so I can hear how they are doing. Try to have your child login at least two times a week.  Just click on the Raz-Kids tab at the top of the blog.                                                                                    
  • In Writer's Workshop we have been working hard at making our stories "come to life" by making character's think, talk, feel and move.  We have also worked on revising our stories.

  • We have continued working with story problems.  We have begun to use math journals to show our math thinking.
  • Continued using efficient strategies to show our math thinking; counting all, counting on/back and known facts.
Social Studies

  • Learned about the pilgrims and why they sailed to American.  
  • Read many stories about the first thanksgiving.
  • We are working on doing a retelling....stay tuned.